Wage Loss & Medical Benefits Under The Defense Base Act
If you or a loved one was injured while working overseas, the Defense Base Act is most likely your support for receiving some sort of compensation. When employers or insurance companies try to deny you your rightful compensation, the Defense Base Act is supposed to ensure that you get what you deserve. You put your life on the line to work for your country, and you shouldn’t have to fight when you need some help, in return. Unfortunately, life isn’t that simple, and you will most likely have to find an attorney who is well versed in Defense Base Act law. One such attorney, with a great deal of experience, is Kenneth G. Franconero, PLLC.
It is important to understand wage loss benefits, as well as medical benefits, that are available under the Defense Base Act. Wage loss benefits (also known as indemnity or compensation benefits) help you recover from injury. While you are unable to work, you are usually covered for 2/3rds of your pre-injury wages. Your specific type of injury may dictate the amount that you are entitled to. For example, hearing loss, and injuries to the hands, feet, legs and arms calls for a fixed rate award. Other types of injuries may result in wage loss for as long as you are unable to return to your previous employment.
With regards to medical benefits, your employer must pay for necessary medical expenses. Examples include care with orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, family physicians, x-rays, MRI’s and more. Diseases caused from work overseas, such as breathing problems, fatigue and cardiac conditions, are covered under the Defense Base Act.
Unfortunately, military contractors and insurance companies commonly ignore Defense Base Act related benefits. That is why Kenneth G. Franconero, PLLC, works so hard to get you the benefits that you deserve. When the insurance company seeks to only pay a fixed award, or terminate your benefits early, you need someone on your side. Kenneth G. Franconero, PLLC, has decades of experience in the industry, and wants to go over your options. Contacthim, today, and get started with a free case review.
For more information visit http://www.defensebaseinjury.com or call (855) KGF-PLLC.