Some defense contractors insurers allegedly try to take advantage of the Defense Base Act law
Is there really a need for Defense Base Act lawyers like us at Ken Franconero PLLC? Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding YES! If the insurance companies that insure defense contractors are not forced to abide by the laws of the Defense Base Act, then people’s lives can be at stake. And if you are an employee of a defense contractor overseas, YOUR life may be at stake.
Take the recent case against CNA Financial Corporation, a Chicago-based insurance firm that offers insurance to overseas defense contractors and their employees. After a thorough investigation over several years into 2011 United States administrative law Judge Daniel Solomon recommended a criminal investigation against CNA Financial for withholding information in a case where the company had failed to pay benefits to the families of 9 contractors killed in Iraq in 2006 while working as translators helping to train Iraqi police recruits.
This was an extreme move by Judge Solomon as it went well beyond the ordinary scope of a judges’ rulings in these types of cases of negligence committed by defense contractor insurance companies. In reality it highlights the high level of concern the U.S. government has that certain companies have tried taking advantage of the current laws being enforced under the Defense Base Act. Please read more about the specific ruling by Judge Solomon in this case against CNA Financial here:
and read this blog which alleges a pattern of behavior followed by CNA as well as other defense contractor insurance companies to keep death and injured benefits from those who have rightfully earned them:
At Franconero Law we are saddened by cases where overseas contractors who are injured or killed do not receive their proper benefits. These men and women are abroad trying to preserve the freedoms we enjoy here in the United States of America. When they and/or their loved ones can not receive the benefits they have rightfully earned, then someone must stand up to protect their rights. At Ken Franconero PLLC we are that someone.
We have handled cases just like this one. We make sure that the rights of defense contractor employees and their families like the ones cited in this case are protected. And when they are not, we work with our clients to receive the recognition and maximum compensation they deserve for incurring bodily injury or death while working to protect our country.
To learn more about the legal services we provide to all defense contractors overseas, please go to http://www.defensebaseinjury.com, or call us at our toll free number (866) 910-1333. We stand up for the rights of the overseas defense contractors who serve and protect our great nation!